I Don't Care

Posted on 06 July 2016


This is the post where I tell everyone how terrible they are for not caring about slave labour, for not bringing their own bags to the shops and for not using a keep cup, damn it! I'm joking of course. This is actually the post where I say I know what it's like to not care. I know what it's like to not care about a whole HEAP of stuff let alone fashion! Of the list that life throws at us fashion is no where near the top!

So hear me out for a second because this is the confusing part. I'm a pretty stubborn person so I believe that despite our responsibilities, our priorities, our careers, our finances, our families and absolutely everything in between, people actually DO care! You DO care about homelessness, you DO care about child labour and you DO care about injustice. You care and I care but this is the thing: life gets in the way so it's easier to say 'I don't care', and I get it. I know what it's like to not know where to start, to not know what's true or false and to just say you don't care so you can move on with life!

So this brings me to the purpose of Theo's journey. Theo is about taking steps toward caring, particularly in the clothing we wear. I'll share cool stuff and you can read cool stuff and then tell me about other cool stuff. It's not an all or nothing lifestyle change, it's not a guilt trip into buying eco-friendly everything and it's not an overnight transformation story. It's about exploring new ways of doing old things, celebrating wins that invest in humanity and appreciating the beauty and richness of the world we live in. If this sounds like a journey you'd enjoy then welcome to the club, Theo is most definitely for you! Until next time, Esther


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